Otterbein Physics Code
This is a place where Otterbein professors are keeping public code for use by students or educators.
Current projects:
Electric field lines - shows 2D electric field lines for an arbitrary charge configuration, changing as the user moves charges. Perfect for freshman algebra or calc-based physics lab introductions.
- EM wave animation - shows a simple linearly polarized EM wave
- Polarization animation - Shows a representation of light going through 2-3 polarizers.
Circular and Linear Polarization Adder - Two animated EM waves of different polarizations are added together: show how circular light is made of linear light and vice-versa
- Simulation of scattered EM waves from atoms in an optical medium - A plane wave incident from the left creates phase-delayed secondary scattered wavelets in the medium. Depending on the phase and strength of the secondary wavelets, the wave phase gets advanced or delayed. (Limitation: scatterers only respond to the primary wave, so it just shifts the primary wave back. I’d like to make a version where you can see the wave slowing down as each layer responds to the last..)
Nathaniel Tagg 2019